(Not)available counselling actions in the migrant and refugee environment in France, Poland and Australia

February 06, 2024
Workshop: Virtual meeting
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This seminar is focused on the institutional availability, partial availability or the absence of practices, actions, counselling relations and other forms of support addressing refugees and migrants, as well as on the practices constructed nonformally by them (rooted in daily life). By comparing and demonstrating the specifics of international and transnational counselling and other forms of support, particularly in France, Poland and Australia, we will refer to those helping social actions that are initiated by migrants and refugees, and we will understand the meanings ascribed to these actions. We will answer questions such as, how these migrants and refugees evaluate these practices, what counselling and other helping networks they build, what changes take place in these networks, what is the counsellors' and helper`s place in these networks and who they are.
This Workshop is organised in the framework of the FIAS Programme.
- Dr Aneta Slowik, LE STUDIUM Research Fellow / FIAS Programme
from: University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw - PL
In residence at: Research Team on Contexts and Education Actors (ÉRCAÉ ), University of Orléans - FR - Prof. Philippe Bourdier,
Research Team on Contexts and Education Actors (ÉRCAÉ ), University of Orléans - FR
- 09:10 Prof. Philippe Bourdier, Dr Aneta Slowik, Dr Veronique Francis & Sophie Gabillet - Official opening
- 09:30 Dr Kate Golebiowski - Institutional Support in Action: How Start:ME Micro-Business Accelerator Impacts Migrant and Minority Women Entrepreneurs In Atlanta, USA?
- 10:00 Questions / Discussions
- 10:15 Prof. Martine Lani-Bayle - Migrations-refuges et résiliences, quels liens ?
- 10:45 Questions / Discussions
- 11:00 Short break
- 11:15 Dr Veronique Francis - Developper les approches anti-racistes en éducation et en formation: enjeux, outils, démarches
- 11:45 Questions / Discussions
- 12:00 Lunch break
- 13:30 Dr Anna Bilon-Piórko - Career guidance for immigrants and refugees as the way to social inclusion. Current trends and challenges.
- 14:00 Questions / Discussions
- 14:15 Dr Aneta Slowik - Quels réseaux de counselling pratiques existent parmi les réfugiés Ukrainiens dans le département du Loiret (France) ?
- 14:45 Questions / Discussions
- 15:00 Short break
- 15:15 Dr Camila Aloisio Alves - Parcours de vie et ses tessitures : l'approche biographique et la construction des apprentissages expérientiels
- 15:45 Questions / Discussions
- 16:00 Dr Aneta Slowik & Dr Veronique Francis - Discussions/Questions/Conclusion
- 16:30 End of the workshop