METABOLOMICS: Ecodata of Biodiversity as Biomarkers of Environmental Changes & Immersive Environments. Espace OCEAN

Oksana Chepelyk, FIAS Fellow 2022-2023 IMéRA Aix-Marseille, A*MIDEX & National Academy of Arts of Ukraine
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METABOLOMICS: Ecodata of Biodiversity as Biomarkers of Environmental Changes

This catalog presents Oksana Chepelyk’s artistic path by exploring data-driven audio-visual installations and her research journey in collaboration with CNRS of IMBE – the Mediterranean Institute of Marine and Terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology / Marine Station of Endoume and MIO - the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, which inspire her creativity and experiments in the field of sonification of metabolomics data, namely of healthy and sick sponges in “The Ocean” installation. Metabolomics is a systematic study of the unique chemical 'fingerprints' characteristic of processes occurring in living cells of organisms useful for understanding the functioning of biodiversity and as biomarkers of effect of environmental changes. This installation explores the relationships and coexistence between aquatic environments in the underwater species' struggle for survival and humans.

Immersive Environments. Espace OCEAN 

by Oksana Chepelyk explores the immersiveness as audio-visual instruments for changing anthropocentric optics helping us to become more open and sensitive towards others and our environments that are affected moreover by ongoing military conflict. Catalog describes Oksana Chepelyk’s career on the border between immersive environments and eco-art including the project “Espace Ocean: Waters Come into My Soul”, presented within Scientifica # 2, in Aix-en-Provence (2023) that brought together the audiovisual installations: “Homage to Matisse”, trilogy “On the Edge”, “Underwater Landscape”, “Ecocide” and “The Ocean”. The ensemble sensitizes as much as it denounces, highlighting some of the many factors responsible for the degradation of marine environments. Combining scientific data, philosophical reflections, and audio-visual works, the project depicts the anthropogenic impact of humans on marine environments.

Oksana Chepelyk, Artist Protection Fund Fellow 2023-2024, A*MIDEX and FIAS Fellow 2022-2023 Iméra Aix-Marseille University, Modern Art Research Institute of Ukraine.


Image: “Metabolomics” cover – Scheme of “Identification of new Compounds: Exometabolome of Aplysina cavernicola” from “METABOLOMICS Applied to chemotaxonomy and marine chemicalecology” Thierry Perez