Ukraine Update October 2023

Mykola Riabchuk is a Senior Research Fellow in the Institute of Political and Nationalities’ Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and a lecturer at the University of Warsaw. He is also the honorary president of the Ukrainian PEN Center and the head of the jury of the “Angelus” international award. He wrote extensively on civil society, state-nation building, nationalism, national identity, East European politics and postcommunist transition.
New publications references
The Toxic Spell of “Imperial Knowledge”. Desk Russie, 27 mai 2023, https://en.desk-russie.eu/
Also in French: La fascination toxique du «savoir impérial». Desk Russie, 27 mai 2023, https://desk-russie.eu/2023/
Ukraine under immense pressure to win 'decisive' battle. Raam op Rusland, 20 juni 2023, https://www.raamoprusland.nl/
Also in French: Nuages sombres et lueurs d’espoir en Ukraine. Desk Russie, 25 juin 2023, https://desk-russie.eu/2023/
Surveys show: Ukrainians still rally around the flag. Raam op Rusland, 28 augustus 2023, https://www.
Also in French: Un bilan de trente ans d’Ukraine indépendante : une « nation de la volonté ». Desk Russie, 30.09.2023, https://desk-
L’invention d’une non-nation : comment les Occidentaux ont nié une identité ukrainienne distincte. Desk Russie, 16.09.2023, https://desk-russie.eu/2023/
Confrontation, not de-escalation will defeat Putin. Raam op Rusland, 25 september 2023, https://raamoprusland.nl/