Collegium de Lyon
92 Rue Pasteur
69007 Lyon

The Collegium de Lyon is the Institute for Advanced Study of the Université de Lyon (UDL). The UdL is a world-class academic site of excellence and has one of the strongest research bases in France. Its 11 members, higher education institutions (4 universities, 6 grandes écoles and the CNRS) in the Lyon/Saint Etienne area, gather 6.800 researchers and 168 laboratories.
Founded in 2008, the Collegium has hosted since then 184 international scholars who have greatly benefited from strong relations with the many laboratories of the site. The Collegium benefits from first-class research infrastructures (including the Diderot Library that offers over 1 million volumes in sciences, literature and the humanities). The Collegium has also a strong outreach policy with regular conferences for an extra-academic audience organized with partners like the main public library or different local museums.
Premises and facilities
Fellows share an office space in the Collegium de Lyon offices building located on the Descartes campus of the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon. They benefit from an easy access to the scientific infrastructures of the Université de Lyon and to the mutualized research facilities, as well as from a wide range of available cultural resources.
Fellows are accommodated in apartments located in the same High Environmental Quality Collegium de Lyon building situated on the Descartes campus of the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon. These apartments are fully furnished and equipped. The allocation of the apartments to the fellows depends on the duration of their stay and the composition of the accompanying family.
Scientific priorities in FIAS
The Collegium welcomes applications from any sector in the scientific study of the human being, broadly understood as the scientific study of all dimensions of human reality (from its physico-biological to its socio-cultural ones).
The specific details of the 2023 call should be consulted on the Collegium website before applying.
All applicants to the Collegium de Lyon must provide a letter of invitation from one research structure / laboratory of any institution member or partner of the University of Lyon (UR -unité de recherche/research unit or UMR -unité mixte de recherche/joint research unit), certifying that the applicant to the Collegium will be affiliated with this structure as an invited researcher during his Collegium fellowship. The letter must bear the signature of the head of the research structure. Any application without such an invitation letter will not be considered.